Tuesday, June 30, 2009

her tulips talk to my wound


And yes, I do admire and read authors who didn't die by their own hand, or lifestyle. If that had occurred you.

Plenty of 'em

Monday, June 29, 2009


I want this book so badly. I've been searching for it for years. It sells for hundreds of dollars second hand: it's that rare and out of print. Won't someone reissue it?

Wingate Paine

Resurrection recently had an exhibition of his works; echoes of Sam Haskins, whose work I concidentally - or not - became familiar with when working at Resurrection NY a few years ago. Katy Rodriguez, one of the store's two owners and proprietors, is now producing her own, eponymous range which strikes me as brilliant given how many designers and their assistants came through and mined her archives: a constant stream. Now she has first pick of the whole inspirational bunch.

Sleep. Exactly what I need to be doing at this very moment. Except that it's Winter and too cold for sleeping nude. Central heating is virtually non-existent in this country; I still daydream about the clanging, hissing radiator that was at the end of my bed in my apartment in Williamsburg. Right now, nothing would sound as comforting...

Friday, June 26, 2009

trem two

I know a beautiful woman from Kalamazoo, I truly do.

Wish I had caught them on this tour.

be wary of the brass ring

Foster-Wallace. A great gift and a great loss. There's a lot in this; I want to watch it again, straight away.

For the record, (and this will be seemingly unrelated unless you watch the thing) I've always been a fan of Westerns - the dramatic moral codes in play, the expansiveness of the settings, the nature vs technology dichotomy etc, etc .

Thursday, June 25, 2009


From a show my band Faint Spells played recently in the wonderful surrounds of St Kevins Arcade, here in Auckland.

tape men and crabb collection

Miss Crabb
Wednesday August 6, 2008
St Mathews In The City
With The Tape Men

Little miss me got to open this show too, in my white cowboots boots.

She's a real deal talent that Kristine Crabb. I love how confused the audience were when we finally came out; the band had been playing forever (well a gooood fifteen minutes), they were starting to wander around the church in a fugue state, desperate for a drink or some fashion at least....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

never stop

Wish I'd had a telephoto lens for this shot. Still, I love it all the same. I was told by a reliable source that she was not wearing panties underneath that voluminous dress. She'll always be a punk.


(l) Laura. (c) Louis. (r) Casey.

These three people used to live in a loft in Bushwick, NY, together. All had day jobs yet they would come home every evening and play music. They set up musical equipment in the middle of their living room and they played and played until they found the sweet spot.

Louis had been playing music forever, however he showed Laura and Casey (who both had a background in visual arts) a few pointers, on the bass guitar and drums respectively, and away they went. They rehearsed hard. They recorded and played shows around New York. They were good. Really good. And they were good friends, with each other, and of mine.

One day they came over - I pulled out some clothes from my collection of 60's lace and velvet, dressed them up and Dan took their picture. It was fun yet the end result was spectacular. That made it even more fun.

We've all scattered to the four winds now. They're still playing music. Find them here:

Laura: Ross and Laura

Louis: Regia

Casey: Americans in France

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I stoop (and conquer)

I was at a friend's home this evening, casually flipping through an old issue of iD magazine when this caught my eye. I was stopped in my tracks: I'd almost forgotten about this, but how could I?

A glorious mid-Summer's day in Brooklyn, the ingenious Vanina Sorrenti behind the lens, one of my best friends - Dean - dressing me and making me laugh while we drank iced coffee and rifled through my wardrobe. No make-up. I didn't even brush my hair.

Reading the accompanying text now, I'm taken with how happy and hopeful I was. A wonderful naivete. Vanina always made me feel so good in front of the camera; so strong, so womanly. She is a powerful and instinctual photographer. She took some stunning nudes of me that were published in France and caused a furore - I thought the French were libéré? Mais non?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stolen Girlfriends/Ryder 10th birthday show

Fun show - loved my outfit. Sexy thick lycra bra top, leggings and matching Power Jacket with exaggerated shoulders - très au courant. You can't see my Westwood glittery plastic-jelly for Melissa shoes but they were hot stuff. Like dark green sparkly moss, shoes for a forest faerie.

Karen did a wonderful job with the styling, as usual. Great touches - white fabric rosettes and petals sewn onto the shoes - which really complimented Zara and Marc's designs.

And the hair and make-up? Eat your heart out, Robert Palmer, you and your Addiction to Love.

Friday, June 19, 2009


But isn't just about everything?

Thank you Johnny for revealing this just when the simple seemed too difficult:

'The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.'
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Torn in two

Chris Knox, co-founder of Tall Dwarfs, and a myriad other projects, is experiencing tremendous difficulties at this time, as are his family and friends. I barely know him, nonetheless my empathy runs deep.

I love this song. It's been one of the special ones for many years now. Thank you Chris.



Poached salmon in vegetable bouillon with butternut squash, spinach and shitake mushrooms

If I have learnt anything in my lifetime it's that I need to feed myself properly and frequently. And not just anything - nourishing and nutritious food. Especially when under duress.

It works a treat, yet I forget it all the time. I'm quite the cook when I choose to make the effort.